Created in 1947, the Voice of Democracy (VOD) scholarship program is an audio-essay contest for high school and home schooled students in grades 9-12 that annually provides more than $3 million in scholarships. The program is directed by VFW National Headquarters and supported at the VFW Department (state) and local Post level. This years theme chosen by the VFW Commander-in-Chief is;
"What are the greatest attributes of our Democracy?”
The entry deadline for the 2023-2024 program is October 31, 2023
Congratulations to Sophia Lin from Scottsdale, Arizona. She will receive a $35,000 scholarship!
VFW Post 3377 strongly supports the VOD program. We offer scholarships totaling $3000.00 distributed between the Post’s 1st ($1500), 2nd ($1000), and 3rd Place ($500) winners. The 1st Place winner from Post 3377 is then automatically entered into the next level of competition at the District level winners then proceed the Department level and then the VFW National level where the 1st Place winner receives a $30,000 scholarship. For additional information, contact Voice of Democracy chairman David Jeffs or send an email to or call the Post (512) 282-5664.